I had one and i remember all my friends got one haha
Buying a used Nissan be like
Seen at a “LFS”
Well guess my labels got too wet wish me luck bros…
Guess what I drive
It’s fasting day and bro is watching me sleep 😭
Got an old plant from work that was covered in algae, come back 30 minutes later and the little goobers licked it clean
Does anyone really believe we'll rise to the challenge of climate change?
9/26/2024 crashout full clip
Just showing off this silly fella
Josh unhinged tonight saying the N word 😭
This thumbnail is even worse then the other one
My 55 gallon pride and joy mixed African Cichlid tank
Why is my male angelfish such a dick to his wife?
The pest snails when I drop a piece of shrimp food in
What random car do you have an irrational hatred towards?
The queen of my army
Describe living with ADHD in one word
The Feds learning about 5 years of Danderson lore when they were just gonna throw the homeless schizo case away
Had my first one tonight. Happy 4/20 y’all
He’s free
Outcome of today’s court case
Make me feel worse about it than I already do
My 5g planted with 2 Nerite snails and a few cherry shrimp
What’s the worst MPG you’ve ever got? The worst l’ve got was around 13 mpg in a rental S550 mustang 5.0 in the city, which was to be expected. Did any of you own anything that regularly gets under 10 MPG?