What master degree that can undoubtedly get you a job after graduation?
Buyside Trader Compensation and Career Progression
[Searching] TH 14 | Lvl 171 | B1sh | Looking for CWL masters 3+ 30v30 playing everyday
3 down,one to go
[Searching] Th 14 | Lvl 171 | Bishbosh | Looking for CWL masters 3 + 30v30 playing everyday
[SEARCHING] TH14 looking for a clan for the upcoming CW, Looking for a clan who is ideally at least crystal 1 preferably master, MUST BE DOING A 30v30 as i aim to play every day of the war
[Searching] FRESH TH 14 looking for cwl clan. Crystal 1+ please
Currently a th13 should I strategically rush to th14 or th15
[Ps4] [H] Keys [W] Painted Mantis