Albert Einstein could’ve eaten at Burger King
Jeanne Calment (1875–1997) could have met Billy the Kid and still been alive to watch both Mike Tyson vs. Holyfield fights in her lifetime.
It has been approximately 270,000 weeks since the early bronze age.
Dems and Reps, dogs or cats?
Day 3 of trying to get a comment from every county (WE FINISHED MASSACHUSETTS! also I did not get some of you because I was sleeping and at work)
how i think states will shift from 2024 to 2028
My HORRIBLY aged predictions for 2020s music
Why do people love 2019 so much?
Margaret Thatcher could’ve done the Harlem Shake
Paul Brown was still alive the last time the Cleveland Browns won a division title or reached the AFC Championship game
Class of 2021 started Kindergarten during Bush’s presidency and graduated High School during Biden’s
My cat has lived in the Presidencies of 5 US Presidents
JFK was the first US President since Washington to not witness the 19th century
Miss this or not?
Do You Think The 2010s Will Get The Same Positive Nostalgia As the 2000s Are Now Getting?
TIME magazine bashing the 2000s in December of 2009.
Pick your poison
Donald Trump started his first Presidential run when I was 9 and just left 2nd grade. When he leaves office, I will be 22 and 3 1/2 years out of high school.
What is the scariest story from Mr. Nightmare?
Winter in Pennsylvania. Photo taken in Lebanon County.
The Greatest thing I’ve ever witnessed
Want to move from PA to VT
2008 is the first election since 1952 where neither the incumbent President or Vice President ran as a candidate.
Congrats Rams?!
Here’s an old thread from 2000 that someone posted about hating the 90s just when 2000 just hit.