Clothing/colour style
If you were a rooter, what alien would you want to get fused with?
"It's just a gadget,be the hero"
Gotta spread love, justice and Gota
Omnitrix Perfect, seventh alien added: XLR8
Ranking ben's aliens(my opinion)
Why we didn't really hear of a mainstream POWERHOUSE actor like them from Telugu industry? Did Telugu cinema focus way too much on commercial aspects?
He does look the same age in Parkour Fail and Mukhavta but nvm
Omnitrix Perfect, sixth alien added: Slapback
Fasttrack VS Gravattack
Have I actually lost interest?
shah rukh khan's filmography is miles ahead of his contemporaries, most of them are not action flicks yet have an insane repeat value and relevance till date
Ex just dmed me out of the blue after her groomer "boyfriend" broke up w her.
Parents love making us agree to them
Boys of this sub, who is your "GIRL CRUSH"?
Omnitrix Perfect, fifth alien added: Terraspin
Show me your best Ben 10 memes.
Ben's aliens as infinity stones
Life peaked there
Ben 10 edit that I tried