Real PhD salary in Switzerland
Two MSc's + internships + soft skills and now I wipe floors at a grocery store cause no one will hire me. I feel s*icidal.
Is academia underpaid in the US?
How is your work-life balance?
How's your department policy about remote working and hours flexibility
Wann ist "zu niedrig" zu niedrig?
Was war das schlechste Vorstellungsgespräch/Jobangebot, dass ihr gemacht oder bekommen habt?
In your opinion, what is an advantage/plus of working in academia compared to any other environment?
Should I accept a 31k€ full time job in Munich?
To those who don't work in a lab, how does your time schedule look like in terms of work hours, vacations etc.?
Why is academia paid so little in the US?
Is there any actual advantage of being in academia?
Bad English in papers
Is it crazy to change fields between MSc and PhD?
Europeans going to grad school in Canada/Australia/NZ?
I f*cked up my final presentation and I'm so angry at myself.
Do you ever feel like you don't even remember what your whole thesis is about?
My 2nd supervisor, days before submission, weeks after I've sent him my draft, and well after my main supervisor has given me the green light.
DAE feel absolutely dumb when evaluating the results of your analysis?
[Question] Confidence levels of Wilcoxon and Whitney-Mann tests
[Question] T-test on non-normal data; data normalization in Excel
T-test on non-normal data // normalization of data on Excel
Data for my thesis show negative non-significant results. Feeling really low and looking for advice.
Is it normal for grad students to submit terrible first drafts?
My thesis is an absolute pile of rubbish.