Some easily-missed details from the finale of The Return which might explain things...
Ultranationalist Japanese warmongerer fascist vs almost universally beloved liberal author🤔
20 years of character evolution
IP novels that transcend the stink of IP novels?
Exposure to Fun City Editions 012: The Coca-Cola Kid (1985)
A new boutique home video label announced that will focus on South Asian cinema (cult, contemporary & classic films)
where do i listen to pain jerk’s early releases?
Supreme Court to hear case on opting out of lessons with LGBTQ+ books
heartbreaking news
Update: Everything interesting found in that roadside free pile. Now the big question is what should I build with this to rationalize keeping as much as I can?
Rich coming from a guy who takes his hobbies too seriously and denies a tragic event in history that occurred 1939-1945
New Album: Lithopedian - Swan Song for My Cock
What is the most draining album you can think of?
Recent artists that were HUGE in the UK/Commonwealth, but are OHW in the US?
My GF straight cooked this Christmas. 2 sealed. 1 not. I'm so happy.
Spaelarkle released! I'm...confused?
Todd should do a video on Gershon Kingsley and Hot Butter's "Popcorn"
Britpop Vinyl Boxset Online?
Vestron Video
Someone got tired of regurgitating the same old copyright warning screen. From the Mountaintop Motel Massacre blu-ray by 88 Films...
People don't have many nice things to say about the other Brian Thompson, but we definitely should say some nice things about this one
Was Robert Jordan a bit of a freak (respectfully)
I just watched gozu and uh WHAT?
any second it’ll start moving
I genuinely don’t know what this is