Movies that maintain a consistent air of dread or tension throughout the entire runtime?
🎶Nobody does it🎶... Ohh a bit of nipple!
Serbian tankies are something else
Those kids have no idea what went on at Rorke's Drift.
Bulky, filling lettuce
AAARGH! How long did you put this Fusion Reactor in for, Lynn?
I think it has two crucial qualifications, a request contingent on two very heavy caveats; If you want my body AND you think I'm sexy, then, and ONLY then, sugar, let me know.
Cook Pass Mask
Heeere’s your money girls!
It’s a suicide hotspot
Which Bond Girl Had the Boldest Outfit?
British friend got me into Peep Show, fell in love, made fanart.
I love you in a way
And then it cuts to Seinfeld - Jerry Seinfeld - and, er, yes he’s with a lady.
Holy balls
Have re-jigged my Rate Your Music star rating system to be based on Partridge quotes. Thoughts?
The sausage munching bosh
The Russians are just looking for trouble with us Eurochads... Or am I wrong guys?
Is this a canister? I’d call it a tin.
POV: you pop round for a machine coffee
Robert Grayson : Work-Shy Freeloader
Spotted in Nottingham, England
Beats me. We’re stuck with it, I suppose.
If a child ask you “What is the purpose of being alive” how would you respond?
How I felt when I was writing my dissertation in university
Average Tankie
Kamianets-Podilska fortress, Khmelnytska Region, Ukraine