Aleri Kaisattera
[Plasma 6] A year with Plasma 6🎉— let’s share our experiences from 6.0 to 6.3. The good, the bad, and what could be better!
AI side project
What extension to give Linux executables as a developer?
Ethical Open License (EOL) – A Different Take on Open Source Licensing
r/cum banned
r/slop banned
Hi new here
Which packages you install initially after the initial installation.
Twilight longbow appreciation post
Is there a hot key to have a pasted layer become its own layer?
The 'roadmap' of Linux desktop adoption (from Windows)
Linux Is Not UniX
Opinion on Razz and Rags ?
Windows is more secure than Linux?
Is arcane wizard really op in KRA?
How do you store your personal in the cloud?
What is the opposite of "Looks like Windows and works"?
AI as a key to improve Linux adoption
Name a worse feature than this one. I'll wait.
Middle ground between KDE and XFCE?
What is "bad" about Rust?
What's your oppi ion on Tux?
Arcan 0.7 has been released, now with new and improved logo
Fiancé/Wife Bad