Recommend "fuck you songs"?
What was the worst time you threw up?
What album got you through your toughest breakup?
How do you sleep when people around you are snoring?
What should one watch when they need a really good cry?
$500? Where and what should you invest in
what is an insult someone told you that felt like a compliment?
What’s a piece of advice you once ignored that ended up being completely true?
Clothes donation
Costco pies???????????????
Costco pies?
Please suggest non fiction books which transformed your world view
Suggestion of books that are like “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo”?
My brother committed suicide, I’m reeling from the loss, and I need to feel something. Please help me create a playlist.
Lonely out of my mind
What genuinely terrifies you?
What do you need rn to be happy?
Advice on joining the army
Massage places?
Best way to achieve a pullup?
Job interview
Looking for recommendations while visiting the area