Sending a help packet. Sure it won't do any good.
TIL Nobody likes North Platte
Crazy ending part 2
Was the pattern only with you? Was I the problem?
The crazy ending.
Is Meth So Addictive that Someone Could use It Even if They Are Dying?
Do DA generally block you after discard?
Friend removed people she cares about, why?
Future Faking
Losing your best friends?
Update on closure letter and her reaching out…
Last words from avoidant ex
Worried about my friend!
How familiar is this?
Worried about my friend.
Reach out
I was faking it.
What does it take for avoidants to get help finally?
I have an avoidant attachment style, ask me anything
Is it normal for avoidants to act like they weren’t in love during the relationship?
do avoidants block you to avoid their guilt
Hoping to hear similar situations, comforting knowing there are more out there like me.
Avoidants and similar stories.
How do i know if she is an avoidant or she just lost interest
How am I supposed to heal from this