Missing conservative mail
Why are scenes chopped up on HULU?
S5 Quinn question
Job openings at sauna / cold plunge studio opening in downtown
Coffee Culture
what reasons do you live in corvallis (if you’re not a student or for here for work)
Everyone is so polite here
Simple tailoring work / hemming
Anyone else noticing a lot more police presence the last few weeks?
Kombucha scoby please?
Bruh the off leash dogs
Burglary ring connected to 39 Oregon home break-ins arrested in Bend.
Mountain View at Rivergreen Rampant Car Alarms
Blonde specialist?
I've received two parking tickets in the past week for parking in 2-hour spots downtown
Real ID
Parent meetings
Getting on the bridge to get on the highway - read if merging scares you
Anthroposophical view on abortion?
Old Corvallis Restaurants You Miss?
Lights, or lack thereof, while driving in rain/sleet
Speed Dating?
"The external service of God cannot be combined with my teachings of active love"-Jesus Christ
Can we ban twitter links on here?
Credit Card Fees: this can’t be legal. And notice how it says the default tip prompts will be increased to cover it? Can’t pass on credit card fees to customers, but we can manipulate the tip prompt to cover it. So scummy.
Credit Card Fees