Only TRUE gamers know the lore
King's Verdict - Part 3
Yea let me just share this by making a QR code
The idea that Eggman doesn’t care for his creations, or that his creations don’t love him in return outside of Sage, is genuinely false. I’m not saying this would overturn the result, but I cannot believe it was left out entirely.
This specific AU Kanako shows up at your front door. What'll you do?
I have to confess something rule (please don't hate me)
Losercity sharkie (@EXUVIALREMAINS)
Send in this post all the “and don’t forget me, your eggs-husband” memes you have
Thanks for playing!
On backup cameras
why don't the monsters just use physical weapons against the humans, are they stupid?
Everyone knows the guy
Deltarune chapter 2 leak (100% real)
i think Shayy put too many videos in his ad, there's a really long one near the end too
Possibly one of the most misinterpreted scenes in the franchise
Valentine Edelgard (@sethkiell)
what was the hardest hitting quote ingame for you?
You're genocide Frisk's lawyer, defend them.
No Fodlan February Announcement
I remember seeing it done before but do it pls
We Need to Talk About This Part in Brothership
smash bros morality tier list