Collection so far
Any worth investing in?
Do jdevil fans even exist anymore
A movie you wished you watched sooner?
what is the most you would spend on a cd?
Do you think you've ever bought milk from the same cow twice?
Are either of these worth investing in?
If today was your last day alive, what would you do?
Best places to purchase used cds
Current collection so far
Which songs does Johnathan Davis do the weird ass creature noise things like in twist?
Does watching cartoons in another language really help?
What song is stuck in your head right now?
What's something that happened to you but no one believes?
If you could live in ANY universe what would it be?
Any good, lengthy story games?
Any albums/ songs you reccomend?
is it weird i think everyone is obsessed w jonathan being a victim???
Linkin Park lyrics are cringe
You can only listen to 1 artist for the rest of your life, who is your artist? Why?
Where would be the best places to start learning bass?
Whats your unpopular nu-metal opinion?
First song you learned
Any bands you wish got more recognition?
What is the saddest song/songs you know?