Interesting Venom ult use..might be OP. Unshieldable one shot.
While Seasonal Bonuses are a hot topic, think about Black Widow..
The video editors really made Venom say that voice line for the butt shot..
6th "The First" EUC clear party disqualified with no bans handed out and 8 re-entry tickets issued
Lebron James, scream if you love Lost Ark
Fastest way to farm Vrazarek Firewyrm (Curios etc)
Flat is justice? Not today
Hate 2B? Me too. Let's be productive; Massive 2B Counterplay Guide/Discussion
How did this Zeta interrupt the block string?
2B is ruining the game for me, wtf do I do against her
Awakening last 3 stages of 1st terminus
Has it been proven if having less team characters recruited DOES reduce your terminus weapon chances?
In-Depth Io Guide, and Sigil DPS Calculator v1.0!
JRPGs with fast paced intros?
Sharing my misfortune, maybe it'll help someone else feel less alone..
Mistake with the Winter Rewards From the Year End Gift
Event shop for christmas has 8 leapstones to help you reach 1620!
Decided to track some account/roster progress for the month of November
Supports in pugs lately
How do people feel about the thought of a logs website now?
We are reaching new heights.
Nice wombo combo won us the game against the last team from super behind.
Reminder that another legendary card selection pack is added tomorrow!
PSA: Reminder that another legendary card selection pack is added tomorrow!