Nixon After The Days Of Future Past Movie
Homewrecker Tony Stark Stealing Women's Husbands
I Like How We Can't Tell Whether Carol is Opening Or Closing The Door
Elon Musk On His Way To Become A Supervillain
What Marvel Couples Are Like This?
The X-Men seem to believe that their right to express their individuality through their powers should take precedence over the security of the majority, and they are incapable of asking themselves why people might fear them.
Maybe Poison Ivy Was Right
What A Happy Family
Something In The Water
Timebomb As Batman And Joker
Caitlyn’s relationship with Vi is outrageously scandalous
Dianerva Summarized
Somewhere In The Multiverse
Duality By @sleepy_marigold
Clark And Lois Are Into Some Kinky Shit
The Kents Meeting Their Future Daughter-In-Law
Batman Justifying Child Endangerment
Bart Allen Is A Menace