Hell yeah.
My first introduction the the novels!
Love a night time adventure, tell me more
Wilmot residents fight back against proposed 51% tax increase
Morning radio
Piss Etiquette?
I need film to make a grown man cry.
Standalone Fantasy Book
Christmas Ham.
My first Casio!
Clean and simple. My first Casio.
The Last Hemi V8
Drones spotted in Ontario?
Top 10 Villains Of All Time?
Looking for techs - Toronto area
New to me!
Telus, the company that fires people en masse to replace them with the worst ai I’ve ever seen
i am not usually this type of person but who should i contact? subway corporate or the health inspector? literally only in kitchener
Shadows of of the Empire started good and ended ok. Which N64 game started bad and ended good?
Castlevania started bad and ended ok. Which N64 game started ok and ended ok?
It’s been a while.
My dad in 1988.
Dad’s wedding outfit.
I wonder why.
What is the worst pain you've ever had?