Thansk for your responses, that helped motivate me to get a bunch of my vintage bretonnians listed for sale
Question: Better to sell as is, or pin and prime before listing?
Torn seat replacement
Clear guns anyone?
Any players in Virginia, US?
Handbound Hardback 2002 Annual
Got destroyed on r/food by anti hunters. Never posting there again.
Is this a good buy at $1800?
When did pteruges stop being used/fashionable?
Larp Arrows Safe; Why Not Javelins? A Newbie's question
How do you guys stay confident?
Dame/female knight roleplay advice help
Plasmoid outside of Richmond VA USA 12/17/24 seen from the Powhite Parkway
New to grendel
One of our own is the top MadeMeSmile post rn. Randy Blythe is an absolute legend. And LoG destroys every stage I’ve seen them on.
Security guard tries to stop the lead singer of the band from going onstage.
Protect the Costco CEO!
Do I just keep scrubbing???
Hanging / aging your ducks and geese
Hunting season is here and so is the annual invasion of hounds. Will this crap ever end?
How we feel about hunting with AR platforms?
Parking Brake Light
New treasure room trap idea just dropped 🔥
Archaeologist shows why “treasure hunters” die
Found the Gidbinn
Why is Richmond pizza like this?
What side do you farm first?