What color?
Tips for Floofs that eat inedible things?
People that make 80k+ at 25-35 years old, what do you do?
Cat weird symptoms, vets don’t know
What’s the weirdest case of foreign body ingestion you’ve seen?
My 75-year old father started listening to Fourth Wing thinking it was like Harry Potter. You can imagine the rest.
why does everyone seem so miserable
Of all your toddlers books, which one do you enjoy reading most as the parent?
What do you not have that most people have?
How busy is your ER?
Post c-section "You just need to accept that this is your new body"
Favorite Episode
It seems 11 m/o Benny has come to terms with there won’t be snow until after Xmas🎅🏼🇸🇪
Weird question but
Leaving female intact
[GORE] Luckiest Bastard in the World- Severe Head Trauma Case
Does anyone still like their pets postpartum?
I just need a moment away from this hell
leg update: is this normal?
Beloved family member diagnosed
Veterinarians of Florida - What do I need to know?
What's your favorite attraction?
Starting to get really frustrated with male-oriented smut and romance. Does anyone have any recommendations?
Dad diagnosed 3 weeks ago now hospice says he’s on his last days
Dad diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer yesterday