Is there an Alt!Power Taylor with String Theory's power?
Is there a superhero series that gives a good reason on why villains are imprisoned and not executed?
Anime with a comically relentless villains
[Nano Machine] Guys should I read this Manhwa
[Help] Which one should I read next?
Best fics with Dimensional Manipulation powers
Fantasy with a good step-parent relationship
Is there an anime where everyone has the same powers?
Are there other books written like Fire & Blood
Looking for a fantasy about a patriot betraying their country.
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Suggest me an anime with a Glass Cannon
Looking for a space opera sci-fi with a savvy tinkerer MC
Recommend me a fantasy book with a focus on Family.
Looking for a fantasy with a female mastermind.
What fantasy evil factions has the best foot soldiers?
Give me an anime with a dragon MC
LGBT pride themed Sisters of Battle series
Looking for anime where the MC wants a quite life
9 Books published this year. You can win them all
What are y'all favorite characters?
Looking for a fantasy with a classically recluse wizard.
What anime did you start watching with?
Don’t know if this was posted yet, but…Tryzin is in trouble
Get vw me your best necron memes
Looking for a time travel/second chance book recommendations