What name would you give our little guy? :)
Loomis is voted as a morally gray person loved by fans. Day 3: Who is a horrible person loved by fans in the Halloween franchise?
Michael climbing the station wagon in 1978.
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I’m leaning towards Rambo but my husband hates it. What you think his name should be.
You're going for a stroll in the sewers and this guy tries to mug you, what do you do? (Oblivion dialogue answers only)
Fuck favorite masks or kills. Whats your favorite location?
What should I name my character
Oops, all ice!
Kakuna is named Teach in green version (1995) and apparently is part reptile
Ignoring the thorn timeline, how do you interpet the "SAMHAIN" message written on the board in Halloween 2?
My version of Michael vs. Jason
Decent team for my 1st run or nah?
My version of Michael vs. Jason do y'all agree this will be even?
My version of Jason vs. Michael
Can you ride Vulthryol?
What does Jason Smell like?
what is this song all about?? i can't figure any lyrics out
Good movies to watch on mushrooms
Do you think Michael could kill Jason if they ever met?
Least favorite Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie?
What animal would Jason Voorhees be?
Why did Jason let Julius just attack him repeatedly instead of killing Julius right away?
Who is better?
Could Michael and Jason team up to defeat Predator?