Burning sensation when eating.
Is anyone feeling like they are getting tendon pain all over their body? All autoimmune blood tests are normal? is this the pain in menopause that everyone talks about?
Pointer finger/wrist pain.
Joint Pain means…
Waking up feeling anxious.
Call back after First Mammogram, Scared
Left breast pain.
Genetics ? Rheumatology? Help
Ridges on nails suddenly appeared?
Potential Peri symptom: Raynauds?
Fatigue, what helps?
Why do they watch dense spots?
Got called back to do more imaging/ultrasound after first mammogram. How long?
Dry cracked lips. What do you use?
Our director barely speaks to us.
Had my first mammogram and they called me back, common?
Early peri after covid?
Anyone else get a blurry spot?
is pay really that bad
Have people been able to donate their blood before?
Officially diagnosed. Questions.
Anyone here start testosterone cream?
Snapping sensation in neck?
Dryness question.