PS or CF as my 7th choice
Am I hot potato in Champs now?
My mergehomies !! It’s here !!!!!
Oh sweet Jesus
CL Value
First, First place in a Tournament
Advice on UW development
I apologize for what may be a stupid question.
Finally! This felt like it took forever to max lul
About to free up a lab slot (#5). Not the biggest of deals compared to lab speed but it's something cool 😎
Module substats question
The 72 Hour Wall (Or How to Prep so Your Wall Doesn't Suck)
New event relics
LET'S GO!!! DW or BH?
First ancestral... And it's usable
Let's see how far I'll go 😁 Long time, no see, T1~
Well shit
SPB Maxed
Module merging opinions
Funds, please let us reset / undo lab speeds..
Not range increase 200%!!
Module pulls
It’s the final countdown
Praying for a Module Merge mission