Why did McGonagall hire Luna as commentator?
Why was Hermione unsympathetic towards the spider?
Neville out-of-character
Unpopular take: I think Harry was too harsh on Moody in OOTP.
“Why is everything I own rubbish?”
Kreacher being good
Why wasn’t Rowling more clear about what the dust-jinx figure was?
Why does no one like Colin and Dennis?
Harry was so disrespectful to Dumbledore in DH.
Did Harry have to be so mean to Aberforth?
Was anyone else upset that Moody was killed off so early in DH?
Well, this is confusing.
Why didn’t Voldemort directly kill off any major good characters in DH?
The Weasley’s backstory
Great Uncle Algie
Neville’s plant from OOTP
Firenze as a teacher
How did Peter Pettigrew end up as Percy’s pet?
Who else was upset about the ministry takeover in DH and how it screwed with the status quo set up at the end of POA?
Sirius—-does anyone feel like we didn’t get proper closure over his death?
Confused about something involving the Quidditch World Cup
Andrew and Jack (OOTP beaters)
Ginny deciding to go to the Yule Ball with Neville instead of Harry
Why were Fred and George separated during the battle?