Worried I’ll find her dead
For people who take Ashwaganda
CHS recovery (waking up screaming?)
Full body tremors and shaking
Slow ass recovery
Crazy dreams
Withdrawals are making me suicidal. I can’t do this anymore
Morning anxiety
I found something that stops my CHS episode dead in its tracks
I don't enjoy anything
Medications for depression/anxiety?
Anxiety after being sober
Gaining weight with CHS?
How to Stop for Good!!
A year+ in the life with CHS
Recovery - Starting all over... Again
Trigger foods
People who’ve been sober from pot for more than 3 months, have you experienced anymore CHS symptoms?
Anxiety and restlessness
U think I got it?
Can you stop hypermesis episode if you have a feeling one is coming?
How to know you’re about to have hypermesis episode ?
How long does an episode happen after smoking for you guys?
My story