“Don’t watch Season 1. Start with Season 2.”
Name one character who didn’t seem like they were acting
Ginny Sack left her signature in the chair
damn who she?
Who is that I see
I'm not a stupid fucking idiot. I know it was just my wife, but for 50 seconds, it felt really real.
Hot hamburger sandwiches
Ordered a "Hot Beef Sandwich" received this
New Cab came today, would this bother you.?
hi! i want a 12 string guitar. choosing between taylor 150e and takamine g70. any thoughts? is taylor worth it? or it’s overpriced? thanks in advance
It’s not the clams
Ya Fuckin want one??
One punch man offers free knuckle sandwiches
“I can go lower…”
Ok, but make it a REAL children’s book!
Maureen's godmother
Is this Macs follow up to the wildly successful Ass Blaster 4000?
Bubbles’ dream
Some guys can drink a drive some guys can’t. What is drunk?
Which diddler painted the abs on the kid?
I'd like to see this c*cksucker try to put together a super double bunk-b-que
Remember, you may have to grow old, but you don’t have to grow mature.
Nosferatu (2024)
Mash it, she does.
No Rules
What a safe, slow vehicle. It would make a good starter car.
“Again, nothing sexual.”