is worth to play Samira in low elo?
The biggest difficult for ADC do skirmishes in the game
What is Worth Right now having a Profession?
help to clean my Chivalz 6L humidifier – white stains from minerals
how is the Endymion Archetype ?
How to win a game when all your team Dying all the time in the game as ADC?
I lost Gold in the AH and I don't know what happen
TOP or MID has more opportunity to have a Kill in the game?
Which ADC champion has the worst wave clear and who is the best?
How to use property the culling as ADC ?
I've Been Studying Digital Marketing for Years and Still Losing Money: What Am I Doing Wrong?
How much gold is worth per hour, When we start to farm?
I feel confused i need to fap or not to fap in my life?
someone can explain me what happen with this?
5 questions about items and how to uses it.
I need a little Help to invest.
What card Should I add to my assault mode deck in the extra deck and side deck???
how to understand more the laning phase using the level
What i can do in the first levels of lanning phase
What Is you Exp about the regional AH
What is a deck you really wish could get some support
How do you felt about the Nerf on Thais patch?
Why nobody are playing these champions I'm these lines or builds
It's worth to control a niche?
Question about Legion Profesion ranks