Help me pick what to read ! Names in the caption !
started being a kpop stan in 2018 but became a casual listener ~2020
Only been listening to kpop for a couple of years. Any groups y'all can recommend to deep dive into???
So what initially atrracted you to K-Pop? Why'd you become a K-Pop stan?
[Judge my tierlist + give recs]
Drop your ultimate/controversial or boldest ‘Hear me outs’?
Forget about dresses, what's your favorite academy uniform ?
pls explain uearth (northern blot)
did anyone make this joke yet
What kpop song is this?
recs for songs that sound like anime openings and endings?
Do you have any hate reads?
What's an OI everyone seems to like but you hate? I'll start
[Your Majesty, Please Spare Me This Time] binged this series and now idk what to do with myself
Name a character no-one can make you hate.
[Your Majesty, Please Don’t Kill Me Again] Another one done, I'm gonna miss these two
Difference between novel and manhwa..[actually,i was the real one]
Name a manwha that has a better art style than its novel [My in-laws are obsessed with me]
What was a webtoon that started off great, but fell off completely?
Popular OI Elimination Game : Most Upvoted Title = Eliminated | ROUND 8
recommendations for stories where you like the villain character more?
OI Elimination Game Round 11! Vote for your *FAVOURITE* character
Too much comedic panels for serious moments [A Stepmother’s Marchen]
OI Elimination Game - Round 7! (Comment for your LEAST favourite character, top two comments will be eliminated)
I was playing Reverse 1999, and damn, I wish OI dresses look like these