Minor text errors in tooltips
Not sure what black magic my agents are doing but i admire and fear them
I really wish it wasn't so easy to accidentally cancel megastructure building.
Void Dwellers could be so much more fun
Stellaris playthroughs with buddies get boring and repetative, need a comical empire name for my surprise terravores
Apparently, the inside of the Supermassive Black Hole is a huge gramophone... No wonder the music is so loud
Finally finished tutorial
Anyone else never play ur Ascended heroes coz u try a new build each mission? 🤔
$20 is $20
(Unmodded) Ereness, My most unique Star I've ever seen.
So, am I a bad player for not getting a single achievement?
Everyone appreciates some hard drugs.
Ow my eyes
Created Dune based civ and spawned right next to "Arrakis" star
What happened to my shielded planet?
Which of these four are coming out alive if they were to all fight to the death.
What Do You Think About Neutron Sweep Destroying Hive Worlds?
How many megastructures do you want on your star?
Eeehhhh.....are you shure about that?....
I fucking hate how this game broke my Prime Directive.
Peacekeeper vs Galactic Community crisis declaration
Gaia Worlds near Fallen Empires
No, you don't understand, I'm just racist.
Apparent visual glitch, my swarms swapped traits.