If Odysseus hadn't made it home in time, Antonious would have fulfilled Tiresias' prophecy
600 strike makes more sense than people think it does
[Help] what do I need to start sculpting with stone?
I wish to be a manga artist, does anyone have any tips ?
Okay what song best fits Apollo?
🐸 [PSX] W: karma H: ANYTHING your dark maidenless soul covets 🐸
Uh, guys? World left behind after successful Eye ritual, me thinks?
I rewatched Arrietty after a few years, and my perspective on the ending changed completely.
[Psx] H:everything W:customers
[PS5] W: Prisoner Set, Nox Monk Set, Nox Maiden Set; H: runes/ask.
Scariest Entity, here we go
Not a professional, not even a theater student, just thought I'd play around.
How have I never heard of The Red Turtle?
Just a nibble 😳 (Artist: Jules / @unh1ngedjules on X)
How many of you use your 5th finger on your left hand regularly to play tabs?
Valentines day
I got my own tape recorder
Games that make you go "WTF" when it ends
Do we know what Jon's major was in college?
Help beginner first time fingerstyle
Could someone explain how this chord was identified please? (Music theory question)
Jonathan REALLY likes the adjective threadbare
Lengthened forms for Fear names named after song lyrics
I want TMA themed names for my cat in Stardew Valley, what should it be?
That explains their voices