something i'm confused about
Help in prison?
"Jobs aren't about the money"
Most likely popular opinion: George took advantage
The Hooded Man, the Iraq War.
Is it possible to live in a stable condition without meds?
Films with very realistic dialogue to show how people actually talk
Frustration with the Mum - Episode 4
If you know him, you're a millennial. If you don't, you're Gen Z.
what’s one nsfw confession you’d only make anonymously?
Adults applying adult logic to children’s shows
Influencers selling “mental health merch”
brandy should have a rewards system
He’s a democrat.
Telling kids "you're getting so tall!" is just as rude as saying "you've gained so much weight"
Restricting vocabulary based on melanin is the definition of racism
I will not eat pasta sauce unless it contains heavy cream
Baggy clothing is the best trend we've ever had
London from above hits different
Calling it manic-depressive illness versus bipolar disorder
why was it ever acceptable to hit children as a punishment?
They can never make me hate you, my beloved pedo slayer ❤
"Big/small d### energy"
Are the D'ameilos irrelevant now
Who has been the worst doctor?