I thought I will add this to my profile as many things I post are just under an impulse but this one is more universal so it would be stupid to just lose it
It just is some rant or thinking of mine.
Anyone tried getting Ntraholic on mobile?
A Russian soldier finishes off his wounded comrade-in-arms with machine gun shots to the head in the Bakhmut direction
So I just got the Proxy shell for SKR7 and Im wondering is there a way to switch its fuze to impact like in Ground cosue it got like 100g more of that jucy TNT?
So will we finally get normal defensive walls or will builduing this around a town still lock it from interaction? Im asking cosue honestly im not sure even after reading the preview.
The line separating War Thunder from Ace Combat is getting thinner...
Nothing more satisfying than spawncamping CAS to give a taste of their own medicine
Any tips or lineups yall recomend for this challange?
Whats your no brain needed vehicle?
Just finished the anime, thoughts
Why even try to aim now? Anywhere vaguely near the turret will take it out.
Why are they like this? Is it another case of Big-3 Egomania or what?
We are so back French mains !!!
Hi yall I need some tip/coach for Air RB
US ARB experience
There should be bigger spread between ground AB and RB. Change my mind. You like small wot size maps and fast gameplay? Okay then you play AB. You like historical bigger maps with slower gameplay and more positioning. Okay then you play RB
Divided by the games united by the hate
Just turned 16 yesterday. What should I do ?
Is this a good tank? Im going to buy a midteir premium to grind sweeden with but I wana make sure its worth the price. If it isnt a good option what are some good options in midteir that are under 50$
Which premium do you regret buying the most?
Bruh Im fucked. if it at least was base dmg or i could use a striker nah in this combination its just so shit
Who is the worst dad?