You prefer work from home ?
Expensive logging
Good or novel products
What exactly makes java so hated?
Java version to practice
Sup for libido and strong 🍆?
Insuring cars I rent
If not UML what?
Is this worth it?
Discord and slack boards
Exams / Newbie / Common Questions Thread for two weeks
Why so much negativity within this community?
New Actuary Work Locations
[Rant] This sub needs to get a grip on H1B/AI/in general
H1Bs as Actuaries
Would a “.env for Mainframes” (EnvBridge) Be Useful in Your Shop?
True Accomplishments of Elon
Company's that pay
H1B Visas for 49,000 Accountants and Auditors in the USA
Soooo are the societies paying for the rankings????
I think posting on LinkedIn is worthless, but as a IRS agent I couldn’t resist.
Breaking into tech sales
No effect from Cistanch good or bad
Code editor unexpectedly puts contents of clipboard at totally unexpected places
How to price a service that saves