I've made a tool to min max your builds!
Some pastry I made in class today!
We're finally ready to launch our feature rich all-in-one TFD helper, database & builder site to you all!
What's the your favorite way to add page transition animation for links?
Framer Motion and SSR
DJI O3 range
Nextjs 13 - Has anyone been able to get route transitions (entry and exit transition) to work with framer-motion?
A line from a nightlife gig
How to build a bench power supply 17A?
Vifly Beacon beeper won't beep when battery is ON.
What’s a script that you’ve written that you still use frequently?
I dont think devs expected us to liberate everything this quick
I want to start freelancing but you guys are just demoralizing
What are you starting to hate as you get older?
How do I go about doing a website like this?
Couldnt help feeling bad for pm2
A Single Raspberry Pi 4
I'm trying to replicate this mesh. What am i doing wrong? More info in coms
Do you know the name of this pattern? More info in the comments
r/france all bots
France is being france
Can I have a domain name redirect to a local address whenever I'm connected to the server's network?
[Giveaway] This Blue Spirit Mask light is for one of you. Will pick a random comment in 24 hours and ship it with no costs. May it make someone happy. Good luck!