I’ve been paying back my student loan via salary for 7 years but somehow owe more now than I did 7 years ago?
How do I replicate ALL of these effects?
I'm doing this. Any suggestions to improve my skills?
What is this art style called?
Hi, I'm new to AE, and I have a question. Why is my interface so laggy? Other apps like Premiere Pro and Cinema 4D run smoothly, but this one lags a lot.
What is this effect called? How do I do it?
Preset keyframes and sequence FPS
There's a secret tab in Mocha you're not using and you're missing out BIG TIME.
Voice isolation
Best way to get started with pixel art/Aseprite?
Critique please!
First Bus 50 quid
Is it possible to save custom captions so I can use it for future vids? My "track style" shows "none", and doesn't seem to give me the ability to save it, so I think I'm missing a step. Anyone happen to know how to manage this? Thank you!
Faster Render Question
What do you think about my short, and how much would you pay for this ?
What art style would this fall under?
A month's worth of project files are missing from save and autosave
Help With Transition, how do i make this type of smooth transition? or what is name of that
First VSL for a client. Open to feedback! 🙌
First motion animation VSL for a client. Open to feedback! 🙌
Try to match LOW FPS editing style (Vox YouTube Channel). Would loved to take feedback!
My graduation film is finally available online ✨
I tried something more stylized ^^
Any critic what I could do better ?
Smooth posterize time?