Morning pain
NBD Aeroad CF SLX 7 Di2 (Size S) - Happy New Year!
90 Degree Restriction
Aeroad Aero Drops
Labral tear symptoms - more pain sitting rather than exercise?
Surgery for impingement without labral tear?
Posterior tear without FAI
Help me decide b/w Endurace SLX 7 Di2 vs CF 8 Di2
1.5T MRI question
Southern California Area?
Smith Helmets
Weird growth on dog’s nipple
Which lens for dental photography?
Dental photography lens
Flying ant or termite? Found about 100 of these around my sliding door (inside and out). San Diego
Dental Photography Beginner/Budget Setup
Official Gear Purchasing and Troubleshooting Question Thread! Ask /r/photography anything you want to know! July 28, 2023
Help identifying this knife/brand
What kinda of tick? I’m located in Putnam county, NY and just found him on me (not swollen yet)
Help with transferring account - Xbox
Small bug found on garden green peppers in Putnam County NY (many bugs on each pepper). Doesn’t appear to be eating the plant.