Where will you go after the Tiktok ban?
If I paid you US$100K to get a random word from the dictionary tattooed on you, would you do it?
Do you goon
How should we solve the Israel-Palestine crisis?
If you had to pick one category, is a milkshake a drink or a dessert?
Do you work?
what is the most important reason you DONT want children?
What is your (BMI) Body Mass Index?
Pick one
I can't believe 2018 was 6 years ago.
Coles removes all knives following stabbing in Yamanto store
Has the United States ever committed genocide? Can genocide be morally justified?
Covid destroyed our lives
Ahh... Finally mushroom isl...
What Gen were your parents, and do you feel they were good parents?
Can I reverse into the spot behind me for 1 hour parking?
what is it like to be in detention?
Do y'all eat the actual cob of corn on the cob?
how do you pronounce iron?
Pov you walk into a public bathroom stall and see someone has left their poop unflushed. What do you do?
Do You Like Windows In Bathrooms?
What was the birth decade of the earliest-born person that you personally know?
Best Haahoo?
Your workplace/school just switched to a 4 day week, which day do you want off?
Do you wash your hands before or after pooping?