All I need is Cute Tycoon to complete…Am I screwed??
Rate my first ever swap pack!!!
What are the odds I’ll complete the album? 🥺 I have one more non-gold left.
What in the.....
Remember when times were good? Back in the day? When we enjoyed playing because we all kept that dream alive with these?
1:1 Trade. LF Family Fame, Human Canvas, Low Poly and Front Page
Please don't end up the same as last albulm. 1 gold away again with a cpl weeks left :( Didn't finish last albulm.
Has this happened to you before? If only I had the double spin!!
So cute! And it completed a shelf :)
Advice on Obtaining Gold Stickers?
What is everyone finding to be hardest stickers to get this round?
Finally got the community chest!!! And then this....
This was fun :)
There’s always one person that never reads the post and description.
Which one would you pick?
To report or not to report…
I haven't won this several months. So it makes complete sense scopely only gives me 1 prize box to make sure I don't break my losing streak. Ridiculous. They hate me.
Still a fairly new player, but this one was fun :)
When the gym theme is ruined
is this a new feature?
Dice would have been nice for the inconvenience instead.
Do I have bad luck, or is this game just rigged?! 🤯
Be real, what am I worth tomorrow during gold blitz??
Finally gold locked. I know I'm behind times. Lol I used all my trades today to get my last non gold 5 star.
Why do they end it so soon