Question about Arcs
Looking for game recomendations
Fateforge: Chronicles of Kaan review
Daily Game Recommendations Thread (April 26, 2024)
What's the first thing webb is going to photograph?
I would love to see a secret lair of Alpha basic lands
Voidwarden forced attack
Ranged attack clarification
[Media] Is there any Into The Breach Podcast out there?
Is there any Into The Breach Podcast?
FFG will reveal the next Descent tomorrow at Spiel Digital
JOTL Sleeved back in to the box
Gloomhaven City Map
If you have Problems with the APP or Find Bugs, Please Report Them here to the Software Department
LOTA App is region locked
Bespin Gambit with 4 new players ???
We're a bit confused about LOS rule in a situation like this... 1) Is C-3PO adjacent to that Weequay for purposes of his Inform ability? 2) Is Chopper adjacent to IG-88 for purposes of attacking (hypothetical question, obviously...)
Campaign balance
Best Imperial Assault Expansion?
Is there gonna be any panel at worlds?
Jabba's Realm and current wave quality?
Free to a Good Home: Unplayed Pandemic Legacy
[WSIG] Going on a cruise at the end of December need some game suggestions
Will we ever see an official campaign like the Corellian conflict for armada?
Game difficultly