What Is The Worst Showa Kaiju? The Most Commented Kaiju Will Be Included Tomorrow.
Should the Clone army have been bigger than the movies/shows/books/games portrayed?
Worst millenium film. Go
When were the Sith first introduced to Star Wars lore?
What is everyone’s favorite Boogieman Sam?
Alright lets settle this. Thoughts on Dark Empire?
Tell me your favorite song
How come there isn't a Legends Clone Wars comics omnibus?
What opinion or opinions will cause this to happen to you
I like the symbolism of Palpatine (the devil) being born on Naboo (Eden).
What percentage of your listening is albums vs live stuff?
What's your silliest misheard lyric
Requesting Preemptive Ban!
Resale value of GvB Blu-rays have plummeted since the announcement
How do you prefer for anakin to be characterized The movies/eu or Tcw/Canon
All dates now up on Spotify
The most underutilized Stormtrooper variant in the EU: the Royal Guard Trooper
Today I finished the short story Darth Maul: Restraint by James Luceno. I know some are not fans of how the Zabrak's origin was retconned by The Clone Wars but I still thought it was interesting. I also liked seeing his training on Orsis too.
Girl, you're colder than night on Hoth.
Do people really hate Monsterverse that much?
From these 3 godzilla films which story was the most realistic?
I just wanted to show off my audiobook collection.
What has been your most listened to live track/album this tour?
Another batch of EU artworks that go hard (imho) coming right up!
Kaiju Twitter at the moment