Who would you cast Two Face in DCU or Reeves verse
Check out this chick
Rie Kugimiya should Voice Fuuma Kotarou in anime adaption any of you agree?
Scenes that caught you off guard
Hated Designs: Barney. I fucking hate Barney
Does Rogu deserve his criticism?
What if Carmage was in Outlast what would happen
Who would you rather have killed off
Anyone remember name of this one episode where it ends having stan choking to death in front of Francine and Roger and his face becomes bloated
This would make a sick Outlast Bad Antagonist what would be your name for it and his backstory
Who could Alan Rickman have played if he wasn't Snape?
What would you say to Eddie if you met him in person?
Who would you cast as Hinata Hyuga
Who's creepier in your opinion Trager or Frank
Who could Winona Ryder be in da MCU?
Who could Daniel Radcliffe play as in the DCU?
Biggy-Man from "Spaltterhouse"
If Marilyn Manson was in an Outlast film what character could he protray
What if Michael Fassbender or Benedict Ucmberbatch had a role in HP
It's a tragedy Patrick Stewart was never in Harry Potter
What if Thugnificent met Jimi Hendrix?
Which is your favorite cap teaser poster?
If the Riddler appers in Brave and Bold, who can play him, Eddie Redmayne or David Tennant?
Christopher Lee or Anthony Hopkins should've been in one of the movies I myself am struggling to say what characters they could've played
Opinion on thugnificent