Barbell plates jammed/stuck
This tomato soup …
Wishlist for NYT Cooking app
BWT, what plastic surgery/cosmetic procedures have you had?
Difference Between Replica Qualities
Any Horror/Thriller movies that does the "Uncanny Valley" concept perfectly?
Highest re-read value
Befriending staff?
Why can't people get addicted to positive things such as sports, studying or working?
Lady Hikers: Seeking Hygiene Advice
What do you consider to be a quiet luxury brand?
Quick little study of some of the male leads
Why I like bringing a chair backpacking
What’s your favorite Lush product?
So sad - I can't make the beans!
Blues, greens, greys 💙💚🩶
Previous owner died in the bathtub with the water running, flooding the entire house
Lululemon shopping bag
AIO for getting upset from my wife’s response to my question?
Mediocre pic but this is the sweet treat ever. Japanese sweet potato with maple-tahini crème fraiche. Try it asap
High altitude sadness
Too many beans
Maybe a weird request but. What would be your first movie to watch in a new home you have just moved into?.
If your ex suddenly came back and wanted to talk, what's the first thing you'd say?