Fun Fact when Hextech first came out people were spending over $300 on Hextech Annie to grind out 10 Gemstones(100ME)
Is it really hard to cait over 2.5 AS?
Another Canyon Classic
What are your unwritten rules of ADC?
ADC feels weak because they always have to play scared, no matter how far ahead.
Draven and Jhin shouldn't be able to kill tanks
Strongest ADC has ever been?
Is it that bad? I am still evaluating whether to embrace the pain.
Just asked Chat gpt( our future overload) to balance LDR and yuuntal. Thoughts??
25.S1.2 Patch Preview
The inconsistency of the new Axion Rune on certain Champions
Ranged modifier on boots xdxdxdxd
Want to do a melee adc challenge next split
Favourite supports to play with? (Also if you don’t add your main your vote will be invalid)
Question: What role is the worst when autofilled?
Tips laning against sivir
Our ADC damage at worlds looking pretty good, eh? 😎
What's a champion that used to be picked a lot in the past but has now become unpopular?
Husband “accidentally” killed my cat and i dont know how to cope.
I want hair
What are the best adc's to play when MF is banned/picked by enemy?
Yeah Master Yi is my favorite champion, not because he is easy. It clicks a lot of themes to me. But I hate to JUNGLE.
3 games last night, 3 Jinx exalted skins.
Only player to win 20 Grand Slam + 100 ATP Titles + 1200 matches
Any AP Junglers similar to Graves / Kindred?