A pic has never offended me this much
Michael Jackson caught a bad case of the flu and is unable to perform at a concert, so one of his bodyguards borrows his clothes and performs in his place (1986, colorized)
WWE is burying Liv. Is it because she now has WORKRATE? She should be in the Triple Threat match at Wrestlemania. Diarrhea always has to hog the spot.
Roxy Music - Avalon
Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends
Coheed and Cambria - Devil in Jersey City
Lil Wayne feat. Bobby Valentino & Kidd Kidd - Mrs. Officer
After 25 minutes of finally reviewing Bad Day, let’s start a list of more interesting 2000’s one hit wonders for Todd to help him feel more confident in that decade’s choices
Here's my roster prediction for Smash on the Switch 2.
Vanessa Hudgens runs into a grifter at a local indie event
Michael Kosta on Joe Rogan today
You can only choose 1 interview for Eminem to have: The Joe Rogan Experience, Hot One's, Nardwuar, WIRED Autocomplete.
Who would you cast as Jeffrey Epstein for a biopic?
In an interview after the Montreal Screwjob, Vince McMahon says he isn't the one at fault, and “Bret Hart screwed Bret Hart”, much to the anger of Canadian fans (1997, colorized)
Real-estate mogul Donald Trump gifts his massive baby oil collection to an undisclosed friend (1998, colorized)
I spotted 2 POS on Raw
Characters who could technically be in Smash because they first appeared in a video game. Please list more examples of this.
Hell yeah! My Drizzy always has losers praying on his downfall, just like that white guy who uses the n word and doesn't like his daughter dating black men! Take that, haters and K-bots!
this was so ass
Eminem 2nd lowest right here is crazy
Describe your main (or mains) without vowels.
Stephen Miller goes off on SNL on Fox News
AFI - Death of Seasons
The Rolling Stones - Tumbling Dice