New Manager doesn’t trust me and Micromanaging—What Should I Do?
I am so distressed
Cat is Coughing or Sneezing. Next steps?
Losing my house potentially due to in game purchases.
I have problems with flies
An update!
Need 1/2 hour comedy recs
what is this 'E' in my dog's ear? 👀
My sleepy lil Blanca bean🫘
My pseudodysphagia journey and where I am at right now with it.
My Pseudodysphagia Story/Seeking Advice!
AIO: Confronting my abusive dad
AIO Are demons making me gay?
Stomach issues
Need help finding a clip
Do you still do Christmas stockings for your adult kids? Why or why not?
Reddit, have you ever had any reoccurring dreams/nightmares? If so, what were they about?
I love this show but one thing that’s bothers me is….
Name for this little boy?
Spoiler! Do not open if u haven’t watched the finale of season 3!
Does space freak anyone else the fuck out?
What is this show about?
Great animated shows/movies that are light-hearted but totally enjoyable for adults?
What shows should I check out based my handful of favorites?