When I read it for the first time is like 🧐
Better plume for big daddy D please? Waterfall/RealPlumes installed already. How to create custom plume for this engine?
How do you like this custom loading scene I made, before launching?
The intro for my Whirligig World series. Probably will change later.
In Whirligig World last time I wanted to travel to the poles, ended up in infinity.
Concept idea for transitions between scenes for my Whirligig World playthrough.
I am getting bored of KSP
Sorry for the potato pic. Why the drill has no ground contact? It's neck-deep in...
Thief Council
We've all been here. Right?
Can we figure out what Mystery Goo is made of?
I may build this kind of monstrosity again in the future...
Énén Skizofrén
Fat garrett
I heard sometimes russians talking for example like this: "Делаете что хотите, но как не крути, результат вы получаете ,будет (X)." I mean in one sentence they use "Вы", "Ты" then again "Вы" for the same person. Why is that?
Mára vége a kondizásnak
Should it work?
Csak egy ötlet
What’s is going on here?
Not What i was looking for butt okay? (yes i have seen 2001 space odyssey...)
Felvetődik a kérdés, hogy a Magyar Nemzetben a cikk írója vajon xenofób, vagy már az őskori történelembe is begyűrűzik a migráns ellenes magyar politika?
Do Russian people actually use the idiom 'Москва не сразу строилась.'? Just like native english people say 'Rome isn't built in a day?'
Здравствуйте. Хочу делать примерно такой же арапник/кнут. Какое коже подходит для этого?