Ladybug sucking the insides out of an aphid on my romaine lettuce this morning.
Finland officially renamed hundreds of spiders to battle arachnophobia!
Does Togashi have the best contract in the industry?
Relativistic electron beam could propel probe to Alpha Centauri, study suggests
I found one of the inspirations for chimera ants! The hyper aggressive Jack Jumper Ant from Australia
A Tiny Spider is devouring a mealworm alive and fine
Genthru was very lucky
A hornet cuts mantis in half while it eats its friend
What is spirits in HxH world?
Chameleon color change in Space Station’s solar panels.
Nature’s Balance: What Can We Learn from Its Ruthless Efficiency?
[DISC] Kagurabachi - Chapter 62
Benjamin should've figured this out pretty easily... (chapters 404 & 410)
Mr. Battera was an idiot
Elon Musk and SpaceX Face Federal Reviews After Violations of Security Reporting Rules
Shoutout to the time Killua "Nen Baptized" over 1000 people
[DISC] Kagurabachi - Chapter 61
NASA Thinks It Knows Why Ingenuity Crashed On Mars
This island looks like a bunny!
When/if the dust settles, Nobunaga will ask Chrollo to let Hinrigh duel Bonolenov for a chance to join the troupe.
This suspiciously smug fish reminds me of someone
Everyone on the boat are so smart ....except the Troupe
About botobai
why is there no answers like press this button and it will happen
I've just realised something... *HXH CHAPTER 410 SPOILERS*