FINALLY got to diamond (on DPS) last game was Venture in Ilios
Better than onana
Is vinicius right to cry racism every game?
Put this man up top for Man United
Happy Women's Day (I am in the pic and a little bit shy, pls forgive me)
Reject type, attribute and archetype locks, embrace the Engine Soup meta 💀
Team Falcons vs ZETA DIVISION | Overwatch Champions Series 2025 - Asia Stage 1 Main Event | Post-Match Discussion
UH HELLO???? Boy ain’t no way
Legitimate question, has there actually been a meta you actually enjoyed since the release of MD?
Top Cards Usage/Win Rate Updated! Konami Official Stats
Whose hero's grippers are the only ones you can see in-game (ignoring 3rd person moves)?
Team Australia Player and 8x Contenders Champion on Neuuish
Hammond Balance Issues
Never forget the classics
500 Milliarden für Infrastruktur
Why is sombra's playing card the queen of spades when that phrase is much more associated with tracer?
Grateful for the 2004 Time Travel Event for making this achievement possible for me
PSA: Check Your Refresh Rate – Don't Get Stuck at 60 Hz
Bis auf ein paar Ausnahmen, haben sich die meisten hier, unter den Mannheim Beiträgen genau so verhalten wie die rechten Ratten. Es ist echt zum Kotzen, dass mehr Wert darauf gelegt wird gegen andere zu Hetzen als Anteilnahme zu zeigen.
Ganz schön aufwühlend, oder?
Polizei: Großer Polizeieinsatz in Mannheim