¿What's a cool feature you decided to include in your project that has no actual relevance to the game or novel your world is featured in?
What, if any, visual medium/style do you picture when you imagine your world?
¿Which track has your favourite song in the series?
What's the hardest thing to do with your non-dominant hand?
Peisho Tabs, the most international currency in my world...
¿Can a guy and a girl just be friends?
¿What are some indie games the rest of us might be sleeping on?
¿Alguien acá que hable español y sea de Latinoamérica?
i hate the term "friends with benefits"
he’s goin wild
Don't Touch the Glowing Orb
¿How do you group your steam games together?
¿What do travellers eat between destinations in your world?
"The ramblings of a madman" according to one of my friends
Just wanna brag real quick...
Campo de piedra pómez, Catamarca, Argentina. Please share some unique, alien and obscure places on earth.
¿PC or Switch?
What r/TunicGame looks like for newcomers...
Kube-fu Panda
What worlds have been created here that aren't just fantasy and sci fi
Who else has bad handwriting in their own language
¿Do any of you have any less human-looking races?
¿Do you guys have any less popular animal fursonas?