Price of my chemo pills every month after insurance and a savings card
Old Boss refusing to pay me for last 7 days of work
Can a Thermal Expansion tank be failing even if it currently has 12 to 15 psi measured from it with a tire pressure gauge? And even if it sounds like it's passing the "tap" test?
Parents telling me not to change transmission?
Welp I have skipped 3 oil changes, how bad is the resulting damage likely to be?
Furnace Install
Why don't cops carry window breakers?
Can you tell what’s wrong
What is this?
Just got this house with this furnace. What should I ask/say to companies when shopping for a new one?
Ontario Place sewage plan a health issue, say groups opposed to redevelopment
I bought this book to teach myself from scratch. Advice? (Read more)
What’s the best eikon/ability setup for NG+ with auto accessories?
FF16 performance (updated findings from me just so I can atleast figure it out)
Is this a concern? Black smoke and specks all over the place.
407f to 407c
[OFFLINE] Barb torch doesn't exist 😭
Man dies after being struck by vehicle near 401W ramp at Keele St.
Advice on radiant floor boiler please 😁
Reminder: Bring in your Batteries If its below freezing and don't leave them in the vans/trucks.
Phoenix powers: a blessing or a defeat
How do you guys memorize all the codes?
Toronto has a lot of issues, but one we don't have is weather or geographical issues - no intense flooding, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, wild fires, hurricanes, etc
Which way does arrow point on filter? Towards tube going under house or towards the ac unit outside?
Found the breaker