So y'all love this girl too..?
This is the girl y'all love so much?
Enough of your mitas, give 2d some attention 🗣️
We Are Same-Same, But Different,
Here, take this for you to play with crazy Mita. Taken from VK, community "Generatornaya".
Go do-
I could die happy if this was me
This one make me sad asf. Must save this zawg
Paper Girl!
The final Boss of Miside -Crazy Core Mita-
Men, can we not come together and agree that all Mitas should be equally loved? Why must we hate those that are not of sound mind and body?
You can save only one in this list, and the other will be in pain forever.
average creepy mita fan:
For me, 2Ds like top 3 cutest in the game.
Sleeping Kind Mita
What do you think about white Mita ?
They should make player hugging back 😔🔥
Hell Yeah +1 💝✨
Do you think she sleeps like honk shoo or honk mi mi mi
Mita found a way to bring us into the game, so I found a way to bring Mita into real life!
Ladies and gentlemen, we are at war.
Was she actually... a Player? The Mita cosplayer?